Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Christian Guys think of Sexual Purity

Hey guys I saw this video on Project Inspired and was so blessed by it! Just to hear guys around my age say things that I believe in is so encouraging! We're not alone out here girls. There is also guys we just have wait and pray for God to place the right one in our path. 

**** Remember to pray for your future husband! Because in this world he's going to need it...

Love you guys!
Peace Love & Prosperity,
Puritygirl <3

Video Link~

~~~ And if anyone is interested in checking Nicole's (who is a model who became a Christian) site- Project Inspired- here is the link for that also!~~

Friday, October 26, 2012

Before You Meet Prince Charming- Chapter 1

"Come on Victory," the sixteen year- old girl said softly as she mounted her faithful horse and began the journey to the castle.  Her blonde hair, highlighted by the sun, flowed behind her, and the crystals on her thin golden headband sparkled brightly. Cantering gracefully with his dark mane waving in the wind, the chestnut horse was nearly as beautiful as the girl. As they raced across green meadows colored by wildflowers, over small streams, and through the countryside , many people would stop their activities or conversations in order to watch them pass. 
"A lovely girl" one elderly lady commented  as she was hanging out linens to dry. "A precious gem, if ever there was one, I say."

A jolly old man sat on a bench in the mountain village with his young grandson by his knee. As the girl rode by, he turned to his grandson and declared , "You know who she is, do ye not? She is none other but the daughter of the king." 

"Then she is a princess, Grandfather?" asked the little boy with wonder and delight, his eyes gazing at her until she had disappeared into the distance.
"Ahh but she is more than a princess" the wise grandmother who stood nearby interjected. "For not only is she a princess in lineage, but she is also a princess in conduct. We may admire her outward beauty, but I tell you that it is her inner beauty that is worth one hundred times more- and inner beauty is a quality rare even among princesses." 

And so you see, this young lady was known ans respected throughout the kingdom not only because of her royal birth, but even more importantly for her kindness, gracious words, and evident maturity beyond her years. No one doubted that she was a princess in deed.

Before You Meet Prince CHARMING- Chapter 1 page 15-16 By Sarah Mally

Now wouldn't it be wonderful to be thought of like that? For people to go around saying - maybe you were not a princess by earthly lineage- but you were certainly a princess by your conduct. By your actions! That you were a true lady. I personally think that would be wonderful! I want to be a princess in others eyes.

You know, in today's world; in the worlds eyes a princess is not always a good thing. We think to much about stereotypes- and over the years the lines have been blurred when it comes to stereotypes. 
~A princess according to Merriam Webster "Princess" means~ 1. A woman having sovereign power, 
2. A female member of the royal family, 3. the consort of a prince, likened to a princess; especially: a woman of high rank or of high standing in her class or profession.
Once again what do we see a princess as?-  "Princess is symbolic conception for a feminine figure who is fragile, delicate, and need protection from stronger ones. Little girls love to be called as that, as much as many women."  
Now this is what we tend to think of our Medieval princesses as, delicate.. like a flower.

This is what (or more so - who) we see as a princess. Someone who is stuck up and rude, one who thinks they are better than we are. Someone who is so fragile who can do nothing for their selves Now is this who a princess really is? Well, maybe, in today's world that tends to be what a princess is or made out to be.

But what/who is a princess in GOD's eyes!?
A princess in God's eyes is someone of uppermost respect. Someone of grace someone of elegance! God thinks of you as HIS princess and as HIS daughter. This does not mean you have to be some helpless girl who can't do anything for herself and has everyone do her work for her. But it does mean that you should be someone that a young girl can look up to and say- I want to be like her one day!- That you should be someone a person can count on. Someone when people confide in you they know without a shadow of a doubt that you are not going to go all about telling everyone!

Don't get me wrong- You are not suppose to be perfect! Nobody can be perfect. But you can strive to be the best you can be!

I highly recommend reading this book and moms read it with your daughters. Girls are never to young to learn about purity. 

Waiting for MY Prince,
Purity Girl

Thank you, Lord, that you are preparing MY Prince for me and for preparing me for HIM. 


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Huffs Mission Trip

Huffs Mission Trip

Would you like to help support our mission trip? Click the link and help us out. God bless!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pondering's from my recent readings

I have read some interesting books lately that I would like to suggest. 
"Before You Meet Prince Charming" by Sara Mally, "Preparing to be a Helpmeet" by Debbi Pearl, "Wait For Me" by Rebekah St. James, & "Boy Meets Girl" by Joshua Harris.

Sara, inspired me to dedicate my youth to serving Christ while waiting for him to prepare my heart for my future mate. Mrs. Pearl, inspired me to discover the kind of gal I am, while learning the differences in guys; Kingly, Priestly or Prophet. Rebekah, has always been an inspiration to me, and her book has challenged me to not compromise my purity. Joshua, inspired me to not awaken love before it's time as in Song of Songs.  

I am preparing to read Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. 

It is neat how God uses such books and their authors to inspire & make us aware of so many things. For the most part these books confirmed things I have known & desired for my life since a small child, but some helped me to see things I was doing wrong that could possibly compromise myself or friendships with guys. I have several guy friends & I would never want to be a stumbling block for them in their christian walk. I do not wish to cross or even come close to a line I have created for myself either. I have learned being friends with guys is different from being friends with girls even if it is a "Just Friends" status, we still have to treat the friendship with caution & care. We have to treat them as our brothers in Christ & in turn they will treat us as there sisters in Christ(or the other way around). It is very easy to get emotionally involved with a guy friend without even realizing you are forming emotional ties. With girls we tend to form emotional bonds that can last a lifetime & that is good. When those ties are formed with the opposite sex though we can end up giving away a piece of our heart that we intended to save for our future mate. It all seems so innocent & it is but we have to ask our-self, "am I giving something that does not belong to me?" Or "am I taking something from my friend that belongs to his future mate?" We just have to be very careful to find a casual balance to our friendships with guys. 
Be careful of long in depth talks that may cause you to have emotional ties. If that happens then you have to ask if you are ready to move that friendship to something more, if not then you need to step back before you or your brother in Christ begins to fall. Of course it may be you are ready to move forward into a more serious friendship perhaps a time of getting to know each other with the possibility of courtship. As stated in "Boy Meets Girl" it should be the guy that makes that move not the girl. Allow them to be the initiator in the relationship. We girls tend to get controlling & liking that lead roll if it is given to us. 

Sure, I have dreamed of the day that special someone would approach my dad about getting to know me on a personal level & exploring the possibility of a courtship. I am trying harder these days not to dream of that day so much, but to simply serve the Lord in my youth & trust God with 'the one' he is already preparing for me. 
For me it is my hearts desire to one day have a beau that will lead me in a Godly courtship with Christ as the head & the two of us as faithful followers. 

I have learned so much from all of these books and really encourage you to read them if you have not already done so. For you guys there are many greats books for you as well. Some of the ones mentioned are for both guys & girls but there are others such as: The Mark of a Man by Elisabeth Elliot & Michael Pearl is coming out with the guy version of "Preparing to Be a Helpmeet" it is called, "Created to Need a Helpmeet" I know my dad is looking forward to reading that one. 

Brothers & Sisters in Christ, I encourage you as, Sara, did in "Before You Meet Prince Charming" & Joshua did in "Boy Meets Girl & I Kissed Dating Goodbye" to use this time of singleness to do the things for Christ that you may not be able to do once you are committed to marriage.Discover what it is he wants to do in your life - this could determine your future & possibly even the kind of man or woman you one day marry. I want to serve my future mate with my whole heart, & I think by first serving Christ in my youth I will be better equipped to do that for my future husband.
Let's honor our brothers & sisters in Christ so that we can one day stand before their future mates & be proud we did not rob them of something that did not belong to us. 

Your Sister in Christ,